Local event

12 JAN 2025


Hong Kong Kyu Grade Judo Championships 2024


Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Local Grade B


03 JAN 2025


Age Limitation: 14 or up Entry Fee: 60
16 NOV 2024 - 17 NOV 2024


HK Junior Judo Championships 2024


Po Kong Village Road Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Local Grade B


05 NOV 2024


Age Limitation: 7 - 11 Entry Fee: 60
03 NOV 2024


HK Student Judo Championships 2024


Po Kong Village Road Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Local Grade B


25 OCT 2024


Age Limitation: 12 - 18 Entry Fee: 60
22 SEP 2024


HK Judo Kata Championships 2024


Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre

Competition Level:



13 SEP 2024


Age Limitation: or up Entry Fee:
15 SEP 2024


HK Junior Judo Team Championships 2024


Po Kong Village Road Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Non ranked


06 SEP 2024


Age Limitation: 6 - 16 Entry Fee: 300
08 SEP 2024


54th Anniversary HK Judo Championships 2024


Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Local Grade A


30 AUG 2024


Age Limitation: 15 or up Entry Fee: 60
14 JUL 2024


Hong Kong Judo Team Championships 2024


Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Non ranked


01 JUL 2024


Age Limitation: 14 or up Entry Fee: 300
09 JUN 2024


HK Judo Championships 2024


Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Local Grade A


31 MAY 2024


Age Limitation: 14 or up Entry Fee: 60
10 MAR 2024


Hong Kong Judo Champion Tournament 2023


Tai Kok Tsui Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Local Grade A


01 MAR 2024


Age Limitation: 14 or up Entry Fee: 60
14 JAN 2024


Hong Kong Kyu Grade Judo Championships 2023


Tai Kok Tsui Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Local Grade B


05 JAN 2024


Age Limitation: 14 or up Entry Fee: 60
23 DEC 2023 - 27 DEC 2023


Hong Kong Youth Judo Exchange 2023


Sihui, Guangdong Province, China

Competition Level:



26 NOV 2023


Age Limitation: 13 - 20 Entry Fee:
11 NOV 2023 - 12 NOV 2023


HK Junior Judo Championships 2023


Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Local Grade B


03 NOV 2023


Age Limitation: 7 - 11 Entry Fee: 60
05 NOV 2023


HK Student Judo Championships 2023


Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Local Grade B


27 OCT 2023


Age Limitation: 12 - 18 Entry Fee: 60
17 SEP 2023


HK Judo Kata Championships 2023


Po Kong Village Road Sports Centre

Competition Level:



08 SEP 2023


Age Limitation: or up Entry Fee:
10 SEP 2023


HK Junior Judo Team Championships 2023


Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Non ranked


01 SEP 2023


Age Limitation: 6 - 16 Entry Fee: 300
03 SEP 2023


53rd Anniversary HK Judo Championships 2023


Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre

Competition Level:

Local Grade A


25 AUG 2023


Age Limitation: 15 or up Entry Fee: 60

The following rules can be applied in competitions by The Judo Association of Hong Kong, China, non-competition areas and sports centers

◎Spectators need to follow proper instructions from sports centers staffs, security officers and policemen. No one is allowed to enter the control area without authorization;

◎Sports centers staffs and security officers can intercept or block persons who would endanger public security and order, including those who are significantly affected by alcohol or drugs and obtain dangerous materials or substances. They may be prohibited to enter or could be expelled;

◎Spectators could not bring any banners, posters, leaflets, publicity materials, displays and clothing with targeted, protestant, illicit, vulgar, political content into sports centers;

◎It is forbidden to distribute unrecognized printed matters, collect signatures and carry out any demonstrations or protests for political, religious or racial propaganda;

◎Photography can only be done in defined areas. Generally, it is illegal to photograph without authorization and obstruct others. Sports centers staffs and security officers would take appropriate action to prevent those illegal behaviors.
◎Any material, object or substance that could be used as weapon or create potential health hazard, such as compressed gas or spray container, acid, flammable, combustible or coloring substance are prohibited in the sports center;

◎It is prohibited to bring fireworks, flares, smoke powder, smoke bombs or other kinds of fireworks including lighting equipment into sports center;

◎No alcoholic drinks in the sports center;

◎It is not allowed to start illegal or business photograph and recording;

◎No littering and smoking.

Starting from 2005, The Judo Association of Hong Kong, China (the Association) has been providing insurance service of group personal accident for its judo clubs' members.

Background for Insurance Service
◎In recent years, there has been a number of accidents involving fatal cases in sports activities;
◎Judo also involves unexpected and inevitable risks;
◎The Association has the responsibility to protect the interest of itself and its judo clubs’ members;
◎Participants of all judo competitions held by the Association should get protected by appropriate insurance, non-member athletes who participate in judo competitions held by the Association have no exemption from such obligation.

Notes to non-members who participate in the Association’s competitions
◎All non-member athletes must submit a copy of Personal Accident Insurance coverage or Group Personal Accident Insurance coverage that is applicable for participating in judo competitions. The athletes can also opt to take out the insurance for him/her by the Association if necessary and the fee is HKD $20.
◎The Association would provide the name of the insurance corporation for non-members only by written request.
◎For those who need particular help, please contact the Association.

Claims Procedure
◎Claimer should provide original copies of the receipt and the medical report, and completed claim form to the Association.
◎Claim form can be collected at the office of the Association.
◎Decisions on whether the claim is successful and the indemnification amount are made by the insurance corporation depending on the documents provided by the claimer.

Benefits covered by the Group Personal Accident Insurance
◎Accidental Death & Permanent Total Disablement
◎Medical Reimbursement (Max. Per Accident)

Limit of Compensation (Each Person)
◎Accidental Death & Permanent Total Disablement – HK$150,000
◎Medical Reimbursement (Max. Per Accident) – HK$ 10,000
Geographical Limit - Hong Kong SAR
Excess - HK $200 each and every loss in respect of Medical Reimbursement.

◎War & Terrorism Exclusion
◎Cyber Primary Exclusion
◎Nuclear Exclusion Clause
◎Political Risks Exclusion Clause
◎Chinese Bonesetter/ Acupuncturists Expenses
Remark - Policy does not cover any loss of liability directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, arising as a result of any kind of race (other than on foot), professional sports, or any sport or stunt activity where an Insured Person would or could earn income or remuneration from engaging in it.

The insurance corporation reserves the right for final decision on benefits covered, compensation content and indemnification amount.
If there are any enquiries, please feel free to contact our office.

Injury Claim Form

The Hong Kong Athlete Ranking System will consist of points from local competitions, international competitions, Hong Kong Judo Team attendance and Hong Kong Judo Team performance. The ranking will be used as a major factor to decide the representative in future international events for the Hong Kong Judo Team.


Hong Kong Judo Team Performance
The Coaches of the Hong Kong Judo Team will evaluate the performance of the Hong Kong Judo Team members and give a performance point up to 20 points each month.

The points will be updated on the last Friday every month, and will expire in 365 days
Example - If scores are updated on 31 December 2016, the points will expire on 31 December, 2017.

Requirement for Local Events
A minimum of one contest must be won in order to get points for a tournament, and only the participation points will be given.

Additional Rules for Tie Score
In case of equality of total points, the higher ranking will be decided by
1. The IJF World Ranking
2. The higher point gained from the higher level championship

Additional Rules for Selecting Representatives in Competitions
With reference to the JAHKC Athlete Ranking List and the rules of individual competitions, JAHKC will select representatives in joining competitions by considering
1. whether the athlete is one of the top 8 of that weight category in the ranking list;
2. the possible results by the athlete, such as prize;
3. the long-term values of the competition to the athlete and Hong Kong Judo;
4. the available resources of JAHKC.

The starting date - 1st January 2016 with 0 point for everyone